Chers confrères et passionnés de médecine du sport, Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer l’ouverture des inscriptions pour notre *5ème Master Course dédié à la chirurgie et à la médecine du sportif de performance ! * Cet évènement unique s’adresse à tous les médecins, chirurgiens, kinésithérapeutes et professionnels de la santé désireux d’approfondir leurs connaissances et compétences dans le domaine de la chirurgie et des soins médicaux aux athlètes de haut niveau. Pour plus d’informations, visitez notre site ou contacter notre secrétariat au : +213 556 65 31 94 Nous avons hâte de vous voir nombreux et de partager cette expérience enrichissante avec vous le 2 et 3 Mai 2025 à Alger Sportivement, Équipe AOCASS fiche d’inscription : Télécharger le formulaire d’inscription
Formulaire d’inscription MC Mai 2025
Formulaire inscription Master Course mai 2025
Formulaire d’inscription MC Mai 2025 Lire la suite »
Programme Master Course Foot & Ankle
Téléchargé le programme : Programme-Master-Course-Foot-Ankle
Programme Master Course Foot & Ankle Lire la suite »
4ème Cours supérieur AOCASS : cheville et pied
Chers membres AOCASS, Nous avons la joie de vous annoncer notre prochain Master Course qui se tiendra les 29& 30 Novembre 2024, à l’auditorium de l’école hôtelière ESHRA de Ain Benian à Alger et qui aura pour thématiques : instabilité de la cheville; chirurgie de l’avant pied traumatologie de l’arriere pied Les conférences seront assurées par de nombreux référents en matière de chirurgie de la cheville & du pied lien d’inscription : Programme scientifique :
4ème Cours supérieur AOCASS : cheville et pied Lire la suite »
Echecs et reprises des ligamentoplasties du croisé antérieur
Chers membres AOCASS, Nous avons la joie de vous annoncer notre prochain « Master Course » qui se tiendra les 24& 25 Mai 2024, à l’auditorium de l’école hôtelière ESHRA de Ain Benian à Alger et qui aura pour thématiques : 1- Echecs et reprises des ligamentoplasties du croisé antérieur 2- Gestion des lésions associées à la rupture du LCA 3- Réparation et réinsertion du LCA 4- Lésions multi – ligamentaires du genou Les conférences seront assurées par de nombreux référents en matière de chirurgie arthroscopique du genou : Pr Gregory Di Felice Pr Philippe Beaufils Pr René Verdonk Pr Olivier Mattieu Dr Mourad Ghraïri Pr Karim Bouattour Pr Anis Tbourbi Dr Abdellatif Djadoun/ Dr Ahmed Zemmouri Pr Abdelhamid Bendifallah Dr Hamza Loucif
Echecs et reprises des ligamentoplasties du croisé antérieur Lire la suite »
Evolution de l’ostéosynthèse_revue historique
On entend par ostéosynthèse la contention artificielle des fragments osseux des fractures, par des appareils spéciaux agissant directement sur les os, mis à nu ou non, et destinés à les fixer définitivement dans leur position quo ante » A. Lambotte, 1908 Full text : evolution de l’ostéosynthèse revue historique
Evolution de l’ostéosynthèse_revue historique Lire la suite »
Orthopaedic surgeons’ perceptions and attitudes on COVID-19 related changes in practice
Abstract Introduction: the purpose of this study was to assess the orthopaedic surgeons’ perceptions and attitudes on COVID-19 related changes in their practice. Methods: an online survey was shared with orthopaedic surgeons practicing in different countries. Results: this study showed that orthopaedic surgery plan management was adapted to respond more effectively to the COVID19 pandemic while maintaining the continuity of health care and ensuring protection of medical staff and patients. Among the introduced measures, surgery was postponed to freeup beds for suspected or COVID-19 positive patients requiring hospitalization. Additionally, the number of outpatient visits was considerably decreased and non-urgent visits were postponed to reduce the flow of patients in and out of hospitals and therefore minimize the risk of contamination. Interestingly, data revealed the willingness of orthopaedic surgeons to take care of COVID-19 positive patients and support their colleagues in intensive care units, if needed. Conclusion: orthopaedic surgery departments have adapted their programs to face the unprecedented challenges due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Quick measures were taken to reduce the risk of contamination in patients, medical staff and to allow hospitals to free up beds for treatment of patients with positive or suspected COVID-19. Full text: Orthopaedic surgeons’ perceptions and attitudes
Orthopedic healthcare in the time of COVID-19
ABSTRACT In response to the global health emergency, which has been raised to its highest level as a consequence of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), urgent and aggressive actions were taken by health institutions across the world to stop the spread of the disease while ensuring continuity of vital care. This article outlines the urgent measures put in place by the orthopedic surgery department at Mustapha Bacha Hospital in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Full text: Orthopedic healthcare in the time of COVID-19
Orthopedic healthcare in the time of COVID-19 Lire la suite »
Results of the Dubert procedure for chronic painful fracture– dislocations of the fifth carpometacarpal joint
A B S T R A C T Carpometacarpal (CMC) fracture–dislocations of the fifth ray are common. For chronic injuries, Dubert proposed combining resection arthroplasty of the base of the fifth metacarpal (M5) with synostosis with the fourth metacarpal (M4). Our aim was to evaluate the results of this procedure. Between 1994 and 2014, 7 men and 1 woman with an average age of 36 years (range, 27 to 45) were operated on. The right hand was involved in 6 of the 8 cases. All patients had symptomatic osteoarthritis secondary to isolated articular malunion and subluxation of the 5th CMC joint. Fusion was obtained right away in all 8 cases. Six patients were evaluated with a mean follow-up of 93 months (range, 7 to 249). At the final assessment, all patients reported a significant decrease in pain. The mean pain assessed by a visual analog scale (VAS) was 0.6/10 (range, 0 to 5). Range of motion in flexion–extension of the M4-M5 block ranged from 108 to 208. Grip strength remained reduced by 15% to 70%. All patients except one were satisfied with the outcome. The technique described by Dubert is an effective method to relieve pain. By fusing together M5 and M4, it preserves the length of the fifth ray and a certain adaptability of the palm when gripping. However, it can be used only when the CMC joint of the 4th ray is healthy. This stabilized arthroplasty is an effective and reliable technique for the treatment of symptomatic osteoarthritis secondary to CMC fracture–dislocation of M5 Full text : Results of the Dubert procedure for chronic painful fracture